BJB's energy-saving multi-talents for lighting ovens, microwaves, steam cookers.
For many years now, BJB has been researching and developing LED lighting solutions for household appliances. Thermal resilience, ideal, light control, space-saving installation, longevity and easy handling, among other things, were the focus of the developers. In the HOT sector - i.e. ovens, microwaves and steam cooking - this has resulted in an entire product family, the BJB "LED oven light", which provides custom-fit solutions for a wide range of applications. For cavities with conventional sheet metal cutouts, we offer LED solutions with reflectors as a kind of LED retrofit lighting. On the other hand, for light guide rod applications only smallest sheet metal cut-outs are required for lowest energy losses. The BJB LED oven lights are therefore the perfect starting point for your individual lighting solution.
BJB LED oven lights represent the full versatility of state-of-the-art oven lighting solutions. With the right gasket, steam-tight or pyrolysis-compatible solutions can be realized. Side installation as well as in the ceiling of the cavity or in combination, no problem. The energy-saving, variable color illumination of several levels, our multilevel solutions offer the right solution.
We have proven it: An LED does work in an oven!
The BJB light laboratory researches for the ideal light when faced with extremely different demands.
Before production, we simulate various lighting scenarios for optimum results.
When it comes to household appliances, the particular challenge is to adapt the lighting solutions to extremely different demands: Heat, cold, vibrations and humidity on the one hand, and the desire for better light quality and good design on the other. That is why our research and development team is constantly working on new or improved products. In our own light laboratory, we simulate lighting scenarios and can use industrial computed tomography, 3D printing and rapid prototyping to react to specific enquiries quickly and flexibly.
The advantages
- Homogeneous illumination of the cavity Multilevel
- several levels can be illuminated simultaneously
- Installation variants compatible with standard halogen solutions if required
- Low power consumption
- Durable lighting solution
- Small plate cutouts reduce energy losses
- Variants for steam, pyro and microwave or their combination
- Different light colors or "tunable white“