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BJB Gebäude von oben mit den Solarpannelen

EcoVadis Scorecard

BJB GmbH & Co. KG receives bronze medal at EcoVadis for outstanding sustainability performance

We are pleased to announce that BJB GmbH & Co. KG has been awarded the Bronze Medal by EcoVadis, a leading global sustainability rating platform. With an outstanding score of 79%, we are one of the leading companies in our industry that actively promote environmental, social and ethical responsibility.

This impressive result reflects our continuous efforts to promote sustainable business practices and create innovations that are in line with environmental and social standards. As a company steeped in tradition, we see this award not only as recognition of our past work, but also as a commitment for the future.

Our aim is to continue to operate sustainably and to make our processes even more environmentally friendly. We focus on long-term, responsible decisions and are constantly developing our products and services in order to reduce our ecological footprint.

The EcoVadis award motivates us to further expand our sustainability strategy and act as a role model in the industry. Together with our employees, partners and customers, we want to shape a future that conserves resources, is responsible and innovative.

We would like to thank everyone who has contributed to this success and look forward to continuing along this path.

Our goal is not only to achieve economic success, but also to make a positive contribution to society and the environment so that we can look to a sustainable future.