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BJB is TOP 100 "Innovator of the Year 2022"



On behalf of compamedia, the organizer of the TOP100 innovation competition, innovation researcherProf. Dr. Nikolaus Franke and his team fromUniversity Vienna/Austria examined BJB's innovativestrength. The researchers used around 60 test criteriafrom five categories as a basis: Innovation-promotingtop management, innovation climate, innovativeprocesses and organization, external orientation/openinnovation and innovation success.
The core question is whether innovations are theresult of a planned approach or a product ofcoincidence, i.e., the repeatability of innovationperformance. And it is also about whether and howthe corresponding solutions are successful on themarket.


With great innovative strength, BJB has developednumerous future-oriented products for the new"Technology for Light" business segment around theLED in recent years. In the meantime, this businessfield has grown to become the company's largestbusiness unit. As a first mover, BJB has also beensupplying patented LED devices for ovens to thehome appliance industry since 2018 and rounds off itsrange of products and services with 3D measurementtechnology services using its own industrial computertomography. The TOP100 competition does notevaluate
a product or a particular achievement, butrather the innovation processes of companies or theirinnovative capability. 

Managing Director Philipp Henrici explains: "We aredelighted to have been honored in the course of oursecond participation again. The TOP 100 competition
evaluates either the innovation processes ofcompanies or their innovative ability. The innovativestrength of our team is also demonstrated by our salessuccesses on all continents."


In fiscal year 2021, BJB's sales grew by 21% andfurther significant growth is expected this year. 85% ofits business is done overseas, which is why BJB isalso considered a Hidden Global Champion. The mostimportant export market are the USA and the largestgrowth last year was in China with remarkable 60%.Currently, the company employs 300 people at itsheadquarters in Arnsberg/Germany and another 150worldwide.
The elite of world-class innovators will receive theiraward in June 2022 at the Jahrhunderthalle inFrankfurt am Main during the 8th German middle classsummit. Journalist Ranga Yogeshwar will hand overthe awards. On this day, the BJB management teamwill also ceremoniously receive their trophy on behalfof the entire staff.